Biblioteca Antiga

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Space use and movement behavior of a Neotropical top predator: the endangered jaguar

In terrestrial environments, predators tend to restrict their movements within defined areas to meet daily requirements. These animals are often considered range residents [1]. Top predators, such as large-sized cats, are known to require large areas [2]. Space use is likely to increase as habitat quality decreases, making this group particularly vulnerable to habitat loss and fragmentation [3–5]. In addition, movement parameters such as the total distance traveled per day and the tortuosity of the movement path can increase in response to habitat fragmentation [6]. Understanding animal movement and space use across dynamic landscapes is critical for the establishment of effective conservation strategies [7],including the creation/maintenance of ecological corridors designed to guarantee the move ment of focal species, improvingtheconnectivityof habitat patches with infragmented landscapes[8], and identifying priority areas for conservation[9]. Accurately estimating home ranges and understanding animal movement behavior provide information on ecological processes that can impact species conservation

Ano de Publicação: 2016