
Conservation Action Plan for Ecuadorian Primates: Process and Priorities


Laura Cervera1,10,12, Stella de la Torre2,1,10, Leandro Jerusalinsky3, Nathalia Fuentes4,1,10,

Felipe Alfonso-Cortés4,1,10, Citlalli Morelos-Juárez5,1,10, Francisca Vidal-García6, Sara Álvarez-Solas7,1,10,12,

Galo Zapata-Ríos8,10, Víctor Utreras9,10 and Diego G. Tirira1, 10,11

Ano de Publicação

Abstract: The 2015 assessment of the conservation status of the Neotropical primates reported that 91 species and subspecies (42.5%) are threatened. This highlights the need to establish priority actions to mitigate the threats caused by human activities and promote the conservation of their populations and habitats. Ecuador is fifth-ranking of the Neotropical countries in terms of primate richness, with 22 taxa, 11 of which are threatened. Ongoing conservation actions need to be improved and new ones need to be designed. In this context, we are drawing up a Conservation Action Plan for the primates of Ecuador, which brings together the main organizations and experts involved in the study of Ecuadorian primates. The plan builds on previous work done by the organizations involved, and will be periodically modified and updated taking into account new information as it is generated. The multidisciplinary approach of this initiative was a key factor in promoting the fulfillment of the goal of this action plan, which is to reduce the extinction risk of the threatened primates in Ecuador, and generate information to properly assess species currently listed as Data Deficient before 2027. This plan is not only important for the information it presents, but also because it is a clear example of what can be achieved when the government, academia and society work together towards the common goal of improving the conservation status of Ecuadorian primates and their habitats.

Key Words: assessment, Ecuador, endangered, hotspot, Neotropical primates

Tipo de publicação
Publicações periódicas (revistas, jornais, boletins)
Local da publicação
Primate Conservation · December 2017
Nº da edição ou volume
Primate Conservation 2017 (31): Published electronically prior to print